Investigator physician: Dr Marine CLAUDIN

Optimized Imaging of Fibrosis and Intestinal Inflammation in Crohn's Disease

Crohn's disease

Cross-sectional, multicenter, interventional, prospective study in patients with stenosing Crohn's disease. As part of the study, patients undergo positron emission tomography combined with 18F-FDG PET/CT, in addition to MRI.
Secondarily, patients will undergo ileo-caecal surgical resection, during which additional samples will be taken from the surgical specimen for subsequent anathoimopathology analysis.

The ultimate aim is to improve the quality of care by better defining the benefits of certain medical and/or surgical treatments through a personalized approach. Current biological and/or anti-inflammatory treatments are very costly, have variable efficacy and can be poorly tolerated, with sometimes serious complications.
The combination of MRI and 18F-FDG PET/CT images could also guide surgery, providing information on the extent of lesions and the area to be resected, without encroaching on lesions accessible to anti-inflammatory treatments, so as to avoid extensive and poorly tolerated resections (symptoms of short small bowel).

The treatment under study: Dagnostic PET/CT au 18F-FDG
Study status: Recruiting
Clinical Trial number: NCT04467580
Funding: Regional - French Ministry of Health

CHRU Nancy