The GIE Nancyclotep has established a clinical research unit dedicated to the development of clinical trials in the field of nuclear medicine and, more recently, in therapy.

This initiative aims to support clinical research projects and play an important role within the Nancy University Hospital (CHRU).

This unit is equipped with modern technologies, ensuring optimal conditions for conducting both industrial and academic studies. By combining scientific expertise and cutting-edge equipment, this unit has become a key player in the development of clinical trials in nuclear imaging in France.

Nuclear Medicine Department

The clinical studies take place in the nuclear medicine department located at CHRU of NANCY-Brabois.

This department's infrastructure allows for conducting diagnostic and therapeutic clinical trials (Theranostics, more commonly referred to as Vectorized Internal Radiotherapy VIR) from phase 1 to phase 4.

The nuclear imaging department boasts advanced technical facilities with the following equipment:

  • 4 PET/CT scanners, including 3 digital scanners
  • 14 therapy rooms (link to the page below)
  • 6 gamma cameras, including 3 semiconductor cameras, one D-SPECT™ and two VERITON-CT™
  • 4 internal use pharmacies (PUI), including one dedicated to therapy
  • 1 pharmacokinetics laboratory (link to the page below)

The nuclear medicine department of CHRU Nancy, in collaboration with Nancyclotep, has become a major player in the development of VIR theranostics in France over the past few years, treating patients from the entire Grand Est region as well as from the Paris area.


From Diagnosis to Therapy


The nuclear medicine department at CHRU Nancy has 14 therapy rooms, 7 of which are lead-shielded, all dedicated to therapy for patients receiving Vectorized Internal Radiotherapy (VIR) treatments, located on the 11th floor, adjacent to the endocrinology department.

These rooms have been designed to offer a secure environment for administering radiotherapeutic treatments. The lead shielding of these rooms ensures optimal protection against radiation, for both patients and medical staff.

Treatments are administered to patients daily in this department. This facility ensures the rigorous administration of treatments while guaranteeing the safety of both patients and healthcare staff. This dedicated area makes CHRU Nancy a reference center for radioelement-based therapies that require strict radiation protection conditions.

Who is our team?


medical team
(11 doctors
et 34 radiology


project manager


project manager


clinical research




medical physicist

A Technical Environment Dedicated to Clinical Trials

The pharmacokinetics laboratory is equipped with cutting-edge technologies, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and phase 1 and 2 study protocols, while maintaining optimal quality in conducting analyses.

This laboratory contains:

  • A freezer at -20°C and a freezer at -80°C for the storage of biological samples
  • A gamma counter for measuring the radioactivity of blood and urine samples
  • A refrigerated and programmable centrifuge

The clinical study technicians are trained in handling radioactive blood and urine samples to conduct pharmacokinetic studies.


Who are your contacts?


Our expert team is your primary contact for setting up your industrial clinical trials within the department. We assist you with:

  • From feasibility to site selection
  • Communication with CHRU for contract negotiation and single agreements
  • Budget evaluation and monitoring
  • Patient recruitment and follow-up

Our team also supports doctors with their CHRU Nancy-sponsored trials, from a scientific idea to the publication of a scientific article.

Ongoing Clinical Trials


ongoing clinical studies

Are you a trial sponsor?

Are you looking for a French nuclear medicine center for your clinical trial? Send your feasibility request to our team:

Véronique ROCH :
Anne-Sophie HUE :