CAAA617A12202 Phase II
Investigator physician : Pr Pierre OLIVIER
Etude visant à évaluer le lutécium (177Lu) vipivotide tétraxétan chez des patients atteints de cancer de la prostate métastatique progressif, résistant à la castration (CPRCm) et présentant une insuffisance rénale modérée ou sévère ou une fonction rénale normale
Patients atteints de cancer de la prostate métastatique, progressif, résistant à la castration, positif pour l’antigène membranaire spécifique de la prostate (PSMA pour prostate-specific membrane antigen), et présentant une :
- Insuffisance rénale modérée
-Insuffisance rénale sévère
- Fonction rénale normale
ACTION-01 Phase 1b/III
Investigator physician : Dr Caroline BOURSIER
Essai de phase 1b/3, randomisé, contrôlé et ouvert, comparant le traitement par RYZ101 au traitement standard chez des patients atteints de tumeurs neuroendocrines gastro-entéro-pancréatiques (GEP-NET) inopérables, avancées, exprimant les récepteurs de la somatostatine (SSTR+) et bien différenciées, qui ont progressé après un traitement antérieur par un analogue de la somatostatine marqué au 177Lu (177Lu-SSA)
Tumeurs neuroendocrines gastro-entéro-pancréatiques (GEP-NET)
Investigator physician : Pr Pierre-Yves MARIE
Assessment of the 18F-florbetaben whole-body PET imaging diagnostic performance for the detection of cardiac and extracardiac sites of amyloid deposits in patients with amyloidosis
Investigator physician : Dr Lucie HOPES
Non-inferiority Study of the Molecular Imaging of Dopamine Transporters Using [123I]-FP/CIT-SPECT and [18F] LBT-999-PET to Distinguish Between Parkinson's Disease and Essential Tremor
Parkinson et Tremblement Essentiel
DEBIO 1228-101 PART A Phase I
Investigator physician : Pr Pierre OLIVIER
A multicenter, open-label, non-randomized Phase 1/2 study to assess safety,tolerability, and imaging characteristics of [68Ga]Ga-DPI-4452 and to assess safety, tolerability, and efficacy of [177Lu]Lu-DPI-4452 in patients with unresectable locally advanced or metastatic solid tumors
Histologically or cytologically confirmed, unresectable locally advanced or metastatic solid tumors of:
- ccRCC: patients must have received at least one line containing TKI treatment and at least one line containing Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor treatment in metastatic setting, meaning at least two lines of treatment in metastatic setting; or
- PDAC: patients must have received at least one line of platinum- and/or gemcitabine-based regimen; or
- CRC: patients must have received at least one line of FOLFIRINOX or FOLFOX/FOLFIRI in two lines in combination with anti-VEGF or anti-EGFR
DEBIO 1228-101 PART A Phase I
Investigator physician : Pr Pierre OLIVIER
A multicenter, open-label, non-randomized Phase 1/2 study to assess safety,tolerability, and imaging characteristics of [68Ga]Ga-DPI-4452 and to assess safety, tolerability, and efficacy of [177Lu]Lu-DPI-4452 in patients with unresectable locally advanced or metastatic solid tumors
Histologically or cytologically confirmed, unresectable locally advanced or metastatic solid tumors of:
- ccRCC: patients must have received at least one line containing TKI treatment and at least one line containing Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor treatment in metastatic setting, meaning at least two lines of treatment in metastatic setting; or
- PDAC: patients must have received at least one line of platinum- and/or gemcitabine-based regimen; or
- CRC: patients must have received at least one line of FOLFIRINOX or FOLFOX/FOLFIRI in two lines in combination with anti-VEGF or anti-EGFR
Investigator physician : Pr Antoine VERGER
Contribution of Cerebral 18F-DOPA PET-CT Scan in High-grade Recurrent Gliomas : a Monocentric Pilot Impact Study on the Practices of Defining Target Volumes Before RAdiotherapy
Investigator physician : Dr Elodie CHEVALIER
Pilot study evaluating somatostatin receptor PET imaging to detect inflammatory phases of myocarditis
Investigator physician : Dr Caroline BOURSIER
Early feasibility study of somatostatin receptor PET imaging for the diagnosis of infective endocarditis
Infective endocarditis
Investigator physician : Pr Pierre OLIVIER
Prospective multicenter study to evaluate the diagnostic performance of [18F]PSMA-1007 PET/CT imaging in patients with newly diagnosed high-risk or very high-risk prostate cancer
Les patients chez qui un cancer de la prostate a été récemment diagnostiqué et pour lesquels il est initialement prévu d'effectuer une chirurgie d'ablation de la prostate et des ganglions lymphatiques pelviens (prostatectomie radicale avec dissection élargie des ganglions lymphatiques pelviens (RP avec EPLND)
Investigator physician : Pr Pierre OLIVIER
A Multi-Center, Open-Label, Randomized Phase 3 Trial Comparing the Safety and Efficacy of 177Lu-PSMA-I&T versus Hormone Therapy in Patients with Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer
Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer
Investigator physician : Dr Elodie CHEVALIER
Evaluation d’une méthode de dosimétrie en routine clinique en caméra VERITON-CT™ chez des patients traités par Lutathera [177Lu- [DOTA0, Tyr3] -octréotate
Patients receiving Luthatera ® therapy
Investigator physician : Dr Mathieu PERRIN
GATED cardiac analysis in patients with 68GA-DOTATOC PET for oncological indications
Diagnostic or pre-therapeutic workup or follow-up of a neuroendocrine tumor
Investigator physician : Martine Louis
Randomized controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of HYpnosis using a DEported method adapted to Nuclear Medicine versus hypnosis using a conventional method
Ericksonian hypnosis session given to patients during a scintigraphic or PET examination in a remote setting
Investigator physician : Pr Antoine VERGER
Evaluation of diagnostic performances of 18F-FDOPA PET KInetics as biomarkers for the improvement of care of MRI Non-contrast enhanced Gliomas
Suspicion of Glioma with MRI non contrast enhanced
Investigator physician : Pr Laurent BRUNEAU
Interest of the combination of ultrasound with Ti-RADS score / dual tracer MIBI-Tc99m/Iodine-123 scintigraphy in the detection of malignancy of thyroid nodules (≥ 15 mm) classified Bethesda III or IV in cytopuncture
Thyroid nodules (≥ 15 mm) classified as Bethesda III or IV on cytopuncture
Investigator physician : Dr Achraf BAHLOUL
Contribution of MUltiparametric analysis in bone scintigraphy for the characterization of solitary bone lesions whose malignant origin cannot be excluded on conventional imaging
Patients with solitary bone lesions indeterminate on conventional imaging who are scheduled for biopsy or excision
Investigator physician : Dr Marine CLAUDIN
Essai de phase III, randomisé qui a pour objectif d’évaluer si l’administration du 177Lu-PSMA-617 pourrait permettre une meilleure prise en charge de la maladie des hommes atteints d’un cancer de la prostate, de novo métastatique, hormonosensible peu répondeurs au traitement standard
Patients atteints d’un cancer de la prostate de novo métastatique, hormonosensible présentant un taux de PSA sérique ≥ 0,2 ng/ml, 6 à 8 mois après l’instauration d'un traitement systémique pour un CPHSm (c.-à-d. ayant une réponse insatisfaisante au traitement systémique) en l’absence de preuves de progression de la maladie (y compris une augmentation du taux de PSA)
Investigator physician : Dr Achraf BAHLOUL
Diagnostic performance of SPECT/CT bone scan quantification prior to lumbar arthodesis surgery
People with back pain for at least 3 months (presumed to be due to degenerative discarthrosis or spondylolisthesis)
PROACTIF - BTG 007996-01 Phase IV / Registre
Investigator physician : Dr Elodie CHEVALIER
A prospective, post-authorization, multicenter, open-label, non-interventional registry study to evaluate the efficacy of TheraSphere® in clinical practice in France
Unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
PSMA Addition Phase III
Investigator physician : Pr Pierre OLIVIER
An International Prospective Open-label, Randomized, Phase III Study comparing 177Lu-PSMA-617 in combination with Standard of Care, versus Standard of Care alone, in adult male patients with Metastatic Hormone Sensitive Prostate Cancer (mHSPC)
Metastatic Hormone Sensitive Prostate Cancer (mHSPC)
Investigator physician : Dr Elodie CHEVALIER
A prospective randomized phase ii study to assess the schemas of retreatment with lutathera® ([177Lu]lu-dota-tate) in patients with new progression of intestinal well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumor
intestinal well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumor
Investigator physician : Pr Pierre OLIVIER
A Phase I/II, open-label, multi-center study of [225Ac]Ac-PSMA-R2 in men with heavily pre-treated PSMA positive metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) with or without prior 177Lu-labelled PSMAtargeted radioligand therapy
pre-treated PSMA positive metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC)
Investigator physician : Pr Antoine VERGER
18F-FDG PET/CT characterization of brain lesions in young subjects with sequelae of psycho-cognitive disorders in the aftermath of severe Covid-19
Sequelae of psycho-cognitive disorders following severe Covid-19
VERICATH Clinical investigation according to RE 2017/745
Investigator physician : Dr Elodie CHEVALIER
Évaluation d’une procédure d’enregistrement corps entier 3D en caméra CZT « VERITON-CT™ » : Comparaison à la procédure classique d’enregistrement 2D corps entier associée à des tomoscintigraphies complémentaires chez des patients ayant reçu un traitement par Iode 131 pour un Cancer Thyroïdien
Thyroid cancer patients for whom multidisciplinary consultation meeting has validated iratherapy treatment