VERICATH (Clinical investigation according to RE 2017/745)

Investigator physician: Dr Elodie CHEVALIER

Évaluation d’une procédure d’enregistrement corps entier 3D en caméra CZT « VERITON-CT™ » : Comparaison à la procédure classique d’enregistrement 2D corps entier associée à des tomoscintigraphies complémentaires chez des patients ayant reçu un traitement par Iode 131 pour un Cancer Thyroïdien

Thyroid cancer patients for whom multidisciplinary consultation meeting has validated iratherapy treatment

Prospective, interventional, randomized, open-label clinical investigation study comparing two medical devices in combination with a radiopharmaceutical drug (administered not specifically for research purposes).
Patients with thyroid cancer for whom the multidisciplinary consultation meeting has validated iratherapy treatment (1100 MBq or 3700 MBq) will be eligible to take part in the study.
In addition to the standard examination, patients will undergo a 30-minute VERITON-CT camera examination.

From a collective point of view, if the concordance analysis between the 2 cameras is satisfactory, patients could eventually benefit from a 30-minute whole-body examination in 3D mode (tomography).
Today, the conventional procedure lasts between 50 and 90 minutes; the examination would then be reduced from 20 to 60 minutes, which represents a major benefit for patients as well as for the availability of nuclear medicine department facilities.

The treatment under study: VERITON-CT™ camera
Study status: Recruiting
Clinical Trial number: NCT05713123
Funding: Not applicable

CHRU Nancy